I hated going to the gym 5-6 days a week, eating every 2-3 hours, preparing those 5-6 meals a day all to lose maybe 1 pound a week. Hard to stay motivated when you hardly see results.
That’s why Dr. Bovay’s programed worked for me. I saw daily results which motivated me to keep on track and even within a couple of weeks people started noticing I lost weight.
I have struggled with weight since grade school and had hovered in my current weight until I found Dr. Bovay’s weight loss program. It was an easier program since there was no time commitment needed for exercise, and meal preparation was minimal – most times prepping for a few days at a time.
In 6 weeks the weight loss was amazing and way beyond what I thought realistic. I did a second session and I hit my goal!! This program changed my life and I never thought I would be under 200lbs again in my life.