There are so many meal prep benefits you reap when you start preparing your own food. Having control over what you eat is a great way to save time and money. Studies show it’s also a great way to accelerate...
Category: Body Freedom
Do I Really Need an Accountability Buddy?
Losing weight is incredibly difficult to do on your own, especially at first. Getting past the three-month hump and making a real habit out of staying healthy might require a little help. We’re going to talk about the idea of...
How To Stop Eating Junk Food
What do you do to unwind after a long, stressful day? Maybe you go for a run or hit the gym after work. Perhaps you watch a couple episodes of your favorite show to help yourself relax. Or maybe you...
How Women Lose Weight After 50
Have you gained weight since you turned 50? Have you noticed that the number on the scale is creeping up, or that your pants are tighter than they once were? It can be a bummer for women to gain weight...
Genes that Cause Interrupted Sleep Patterns
When was the last time you got a good night’s sleep? If you have to think about it for more than a couple of seconds, it’s probably been a while. You’re not alone in your sleep problems. More than 30%...
A Quick Guide on How to Improve Metabolism
Roughly 50% of people are looking to lose weight. Excess weight gain leads to health problems like heart function, higher blood pressure, increased mortality, stroke, or arthritis. Losing weight makes your body healthier. But people spend so much time counting...
Can Cardiovascular Exercise Actually Cause Heart Disease?
You’ve probably been told that cardiovascular exercise is unambiguously good for you. Whether you’re swimming, biking, running, or working out on the elliptical at your local gym, cardio is the best kind of exercise for your health. Or is it?...
How an Insulin Resistance Diet Could Help You Lose Weight
Have you been diagnosed with insulin resistance? Are you trying to get your blood sugar under control before it turns into a bigger problem? Then you’re among the 40% of adults who also have this condition. When you have insulin...
9 Reasons to Lose Weight That Have Nothing to Do with Fitting into Your Skinny Jeans
We talk a lot about how to stay motivated and the importance of reaching a goal weight. Yet sometimes, it still seems like a laborious task. If you’re carrying extra weight, you probably already know there are a myriad health-related...
Interview on Zoomer Radio – Why calorie in/out is a faulty model for weight loss for many people over 40 and what is the better model
I had the pleasure of being interviewed once again by Jamie Bussin, the host of the health and wellness show, The Tonic on Zoomer Radio. This is the final interview in a series of 3 that have been aired over...