FREE Video Series
Presented by Harvard Certified Dr Sher Bovay, Co-Founder of FastLane Health Inc.
Learn The 5 Key Principles Of Weight Loss

Feeling tired of always stressing about your weight, lack of losing weight, worrying about what to eat, or what you can wear and feel good in? 

In this video series I’m going to talk about the 5 key principles of weight loss but I’m going deeper than just that.  It's not just about weight loss. It's about feeling good and free inside your body and loving yourself inside and out.

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In This Video Series You Will Learn....
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What having Body Freedom means and why you need more of it in your life

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principles so you can see what has been missing in your past attempts to lose weight that have preventing you from achieving your goal and maintaining it while embracing a lifestyle of Body Freedom

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Some of the biggest mistakes I see from people trying to lose weight and how to overcome them (or avoid them altogether!)

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How to feel completely empowered to make mindful choices over food and getting to the point where you love your body, are comfortable in your body, and can have an amazing lifestyle that is healthy and does not require that you micromanage every meal you have.

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How to create sustainable long term results that enable you to fully live your life feeling healthy and balanced 

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And more! 
About Dr Sher
Dr. Bovay has over 25 years of clinical experience and is certified through The Institute of Lifestyle medicine at Harvard Medical School.

She has been helping her clients achieve remarkable healthcare results through her innovative personalized weight loss  programs based on the most up to date research and coaching strategies. She is a chiropractor by training and has developed an expertise in Lifestyle Medicine primarily focusing on weight loss, behavioural modification, stress and sleep management.

She believes that her role with her clients is to be their Sherpa, creating their personalized roadmap to their goals and keeping them on track by monitoring all their results so they can continue their journey towards peak health and well-being.
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