Broiled TilapiaIngredients: 1 bunch Aparagus1 Sweet potato4 oz Tilapia Directions: Line a cookie sheet with foil. Lightly coat the sheet with a little olive oil. Place filets of tilapia on sheet and coat lightly with olive oil spray. Squeeze fresh lemon and/or oranges...
Author: Dr. Sher Bovay
Brain Health & Another Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Today I'm going to talk a little bit more about some of the great benefits of intermittent fasting. If you've explored some of my previous blog or video posts this month, I've spoken a lot about intermittent fasting for weight...
Intermittent Fasting: Top Questions and Benefits
Hi there. Today, I'm going to discuss some more useful information regarding intermittent fasting. One of the biggest questions and concerns people discuss with me is β¦ is it actually healthy? Is this a safe and healthy way to achieve...
Navigating the basics of Intermittent Fasting
I wanted to take some time to talk to you about intermittent fasting. This topic is a cornerstone of what I use in my weight loss program and has been transformative in my own personal life. About six years ago...
Salad Nicoise Mediterranean Diet Treat
The Mediterranean diet is well as an healthy diet alternative. I have launched a 28 day gluten free-Mediterranean intermittent fasting program. It incorporates colorful fruits and vegetables, hearty fish β plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps even...
Giving Thanks: Building Resiliency Though Gratitude
I wanted to talk to you today about the power of Gratitude. As you know, we are in the season of giving Thanks, with Thanksgiving coming up this month for those of you in the US, and having just celebrated...
Mediterranean Intermittent Fasting Program … Opa!
As the days are getting shorter and we have to return to social isolation, I thought we should celebrate the warmth and charm of the Mediterranean. That's why this month I am giving away a 28 Day Mediterranean Intermittent Fasting...
Double Trouble The 2 Hormones That STALL Fat Burn
One of the questions I often get asked is what blocks fat burn. I hear this on introductory calls all the time. Potential clients tell me they were losing weight and suddenly they hit a wall. They just can't seem...
Roast Turkey Breast & Avocado Cream
This diet is part of my paleo diet program. Definitely not for those on my intermittent fasting weight loss program during the losing phase. This is a healthy meal but with a higher fat level. Great if you still have...
Coming Back From Long Weekend “Setbacks”
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!Β I shot a video, Mindset Tips For Thanksgiving, last week on things to prepare for it so you could fully enjoy your holiday dinner while still sticking to your food plan.Β It...